Saturday, June 23, 2007


I recently got this email from a student who is going to take my 5-week summer session class. I can't really understand what this student is thinking to make such a request.

I will participate in Special summer english class, i'd like to take the class with my friend. But, my friend is not belong to ******** Univ. Can i take the class with my friend?

I already have 30 students registered in the class. It's a class with an essay writing focus. Gee, let me I want another student in my class? It has been my experience EVERY TIME with auditing students that they NEVER stay to the end of the class and they NEVER do all of the homework.

There are language school classes for students to take if they want to study English. I don't really feel like being someone's free private tutor. I figure I'm already going to have to work on this student's use of capital letters and question forms.


Anonymous said...

i'd like to take the class with my friend.

Translation: My English sucks, and I'm paying my native-speaker friend to come to class with me and do all my homework.

Check IDs, my friend.

The Wanderer said...

Always do.