Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Does Roh have wrong role model?

(Pictures from Joongang Ilbo)

I was quite shocked to read this in the Joongang Ilbo. I didn't think there was anyone who had praise for Brian Mulroney, Canada's former Prime Minister.

Does Roh have wrong role model?
President Roh's praise of Mr. Mulroney dates back to 2004 and has continued until this year.
Wikipedia had this to say:
Mulroney's intense unpopularity at the time of his resignation led many Conservative politicians to distance themselves from him for some years. His government had flirted with 10% approval ratings in the early 90's. Mulroney's honesty and intentions were frequently questioned in the media, by Canadians in general and by his political colleagues. His reputation for arrogance and "sleaze" would further alienate him. (Wikipedia - Brian Mulroney)
Roh's dismissal of election riles Uri legislators
Party legislators are seething in public about Mr. Roh's dismissal of the party's crushing defeat as not something he cares very much about.
OK, he's upset his own party.

The Wrong Lesson From the Election Defeat

The unprecedented severity of the defeat the ruling party sustained was the people's verdict precisely on the way the country is being run already, namely in a manner incompatible with common sense.
Most Koreans Blame Roh for Uri Party Rout
A majority of people feel President Roh Moo-hyun is at least partly to blame for the ruling Uri Party's crushing defeat in last week's local elections, a survey shows.
Ok, he's upset the electorate.

Noh's popularity is still not as low as Mulroney's but he has a little time left to mess up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, one good thing I would like to say about Mulroney is that he had, and still has, a magnificent chin! He also had a delightfully foul mouth.

He negotiated the Free Trade Agreement, which most would argue has benefited Canada, although he did this in a rather dishonest way (I believe he campaigned against it, and signed it after an election). He did ring up some pretty high deficits, and make the usual patronage appointments, but his main successor, Chretien, managed to get away with much worse in most of these categories, and yet he continues to be fairly well-liked by the public. I think Mulroney's penchant for European fashion did him in more than anything he did or didn't do politically.

You may be interested to know that he was recently feted in Ottawa as the "greenest PM" in history by an environmental group that found him substantially superior to both Chretien and Trudeau on that score.

One thing President Roh might learn from, though, is that Mulroney never engaged in the now-routine America-bashing, being a good friend, as he was, of the Bush family.