Sunday, February 04, 2007

Light blogging

I've been on vacation for what seems like forever. I've been spending far too much time at home. Since I haven't been out and about much, I haven't been taking a lot of pictures or doing much of note. So, there hasn't been much to blog about.

As well, I've been working on HTML and CSS (which is actually really cool). When I go out, I often take my laptop and my computer book and sit in a coffee shop.

Next Wednesday (the 7th), I'm off to Cambodia to see Ankor Wat, something that I've wanted to do for a long time, then a few days in Bangkok, where I haven't been since 1976, and then a few more days somewhere in that area - no firm plan yet.

I'll be back in Seoul on the 21st. I'm sure that I'll have a few gigabytes of great pictures to share.


I've also decided that I need a news break. I know that the news tends to be negative, but I'm finding it very depressing.

Kids here have a hard enough time (lost childhood and all that) without this.

"Study Pill" Abuse Rampant Among Korean Students

There's already enough pressure on them to do well in school. This seems abusive, though. I know that parents will say that it is for the benefit of the kids, but it makes me sick.

A medication used to treat sufferers of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is being abused by Korean students who want to improve their concentration. Called a "wonder drug" for its power to improve study abilities, increasing numbers of students are taking methylphenidate (MPH) to boost the grades.

I'd like to recommend that Korean parents take a sedative themselves and leave their kids alone - or perhaps if they legalized marijuana we would all lighten up. Forget the soju and poktanju. I would like to recommend the calming effect of a night out combining grilled meat and a bong.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia. Then Thailand. Sounds good. I look forward to seeing pictures/travel entries.

The "study pill" is ghastly. All this pressure, ultimately for what?

Mark, safe travels. Take care.

Fan of Bangkok Hotels said...

Thank you so much for sharing your story. It's very informative. I love to read it and do hope to read your next story.