Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Life in the UAE

I teach at a co-ed university that is really remarkable.  Most universities in the UAE are single-sex.  When I walk across campus at lunch, I sometimes forget where I am.  The students wear a wide variety of outfits.  Many of the guys, especially now that it is getting hotter, wander around in shorts, sandals, and T-shirts.  Small groups of male and female students sit and chat comfortably.  Students in traditional dress mix easily with those in casual western dress.

So...today, when I was sitting in the cafeteria having lunch, I thought nothing of it when two young female students sat at the table beside me.  One of the girls was wearing a zip-up sweat shirt.  She unzipped it and took it off because the cafeteria was a little warm.  She was wearing a sleeveless tanktop which was NOT revealing or shocking.  In less than a minute, the female "security" guard came over and told her to put the sweat shirt back on - and she did.

I've often wondered what the female "security" guards did.  Now I know.

I'm not sure what the actual law is now in Sharjah, which is a more conservative emirate than Dubai.  At one time, it was illegal for women anywhere in Sharjah to wear sleeveless tops or skirts that were above the knee.  I had heard that the law was quietly dropped at the urging of the federal government which is based in Abu Dhabi.

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