Saturday, February 20, 2010


Today a friend suggested that we check out a quilting exhibit. It was interesting, but I'm sure that I was not able to appreciate the art because I don't really understand all the hard work that undoubtedly went into each piece.

For me, quilting was always just about using pieces of scrap to make blankets. I had a quilt that my grandmother made that I used until it wore out. I loved that quilt. The quilts that were on exhibit were really impressive but they were a little too high class for my taste. I can't imagine using them on my bed.


Ahmad M said...

lol...where was the quilting show ?

The Wanderer said...

It was at the Dhow Palace in Bur Dubai.

オテモヤン said...
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Nathan B. said...

I really like that black one with the roses, the one that is just visible off to the left.