Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Body for Life

Today was the my first day of a 12-week fitness/diet program.  I have a feeling that this is something that I will have to slowly get used to and I may have to adapt parts of it.  I've been doing basically the same workouts for 20 years and I think a change may be exactly what I need. I liked the focus that it brought to my workout today (Upper Body).  Alternate days are aerobic days.  I will be trying to get up at 5 or 6AM for a ride on my bike.  I used to get up at 5AM every day, so I'm not expecting it to be a big problem.  I figure I'll ride to the front gate of University City.  I'll have to check it with my car, but I think it's about 15 km.  I can usually manage to ride hard all the way to the front gate, and then ride back at a slightly slower pace.  I've been wanting to do this ever since I bought my new bike.  I think this program will provide a little more structure and incentive to do it.  I've report back in 12 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Good luck. It's excellent that you're doing this.

I really love the early morning hours. I was up at 5 a.m, too, this morning.

Anonymous said...

You must be really "kind of sporty" person. I guess you want to be a champion.