Monday, February 06, 2006

The Horror!

The horror! The horror! (Okay, I stole that from Apocalypse now)...However, today, I was sitting by the pool listening the birds chirping and the geckos chattering. Then I heard the first strains of a Thai traditional instrument over the poolside sound system. First the tinkling of a traditional Thai bamboo xylophone. Then it became recognizable - I hadn't heard the song for many years - Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree. I still haven't really forgiven Tony Orlando for that one. What followed was hours of a Thai Zamfir. Now I know that some western influences on Thailand have been positive, but traditional Thai instruments doing cover versions of old classics like The Beatles "Imagine" - it was unimagineable. I don't care what anyone says. It's just wrong.

I guess even Paradise isn't perfect.

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