Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm back

I'm back in Korea. I'd like to say that I'm happy to be back, but I've already been whining to a colleague (The Party Pooper), and I'm sure that he would add a comment to this post calling me a liar.

At any rate, I'm back. I got home around 8PM last night, fell asleep around 11PM, and then woke up at 1AM and stayed awake all night. I guess I'll be pretty jet lagged today - I think the solution is to go to the gym this afternoon, then to a bar for a burger and a beer or two in the evening, and later go to the sauna. That should put me in the mood for a deep sleep.

I knew that my visa expired on August 31, but it was nice to get a text message from Immigration in English reminding me of this. So, this morning, I went in to the university office, picked up the necessary paperwork, and went to the Sejongno Immigration office in Insadong (beside the police station at Anguk Subway Station Exit 5). I was in and out in 45 minutes with my visa and a multi-entry visa (minus W80,000). The Sejongno office is always fast and pleasant.

After blogging about the great wildlife that I saw on my Canadian vacation, I thought it would be appropriate to post this one that a friend in Dubai passed my way.

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