Thursday, September 04, 2008


Thank God It's Thursday - It's Thursday afternoon and I'm really looking forward to a couple of days off. The weekend in the UAE is Friday and Saturday. It used to be Thursday and Friday, but they changed it to make it easier for businesses around the world to work with the UAE. I had a pretty good week, but I need to gather myself, reassess my classes, and plan for the next few weeks.

Today, someone asked me where I was going on the holiday. I had completely forgotten that we get a week off at the end of Ramadan - actually 2 weekends and 1 workweek - a total of 9 days. I've just arrived here, so I don't think I'll go anywhere. I have some computer related things I want to work on. I may set up my own website and run my own English resource center for my students. I may also set up Moodle there. Oddly enough, the university seems really resistant to the best option - a site on the university system. They've also dumped Moodle and are using Blackboard - an online course delivery system. I've been to numerous Blackboard sessions, and I'm trying to like the program, but it is unnecessarily complicated for teachers who just want to provide things online for their students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it supposed to be "So Happy It's Thursday"?