Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Lovely day

I hope that I'm not jinxing us by saying that the summer seems to be history. This week has been really nice weatherwise. Right now it is 21C with 61% humidity, so it is very pleasant. I'm hoping that this weather will continue and slide right into autumn, which is usually my favorite season in Korea.



Many of my friends know that I'm a little impatient. Usually this leads me to upgrade to the beta version of everything. I usually ignore all the warnings about that fact that the beta versions of software may have problems. The very day that I found out about Yahoo Photo's beta version, I switched over. Two days ago, when I realized that Blogger has a beta version, I jumped at that too. I like the way that I can change and add things now - not that I'm actually doing it (although I did add a counter to the bottom of my blog so I can now see how many hits I'm not getting). It's just the possibility that I can change things that I like - well, that, and the fact that it's new and shiny. Perhaps I'm overcompensating for the fact that I don't have a BMW.

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