Thursday, December 21, 2006

Counting the days till Christmas

At an intersection near my home, I came across Santa today. Probably scoping out the neighbourhood - checking his list twice to see who's been naughty and nice. It's Itaewon. I doubt that he'll be lingering long is this area. I suspect my house was crossed off long ago. I may just have to buy presents for myself.

Here's Santa at night.

At my university (a Jesuit university), they have a manger scene. It's similar to last year's, but it has drifted away from the traditional theme a bit. If you look closely on the lower left, there's a snowman and Christmas tree. The traditional Korean house is nice with its paper door, a kimchi pot, a rice scoop, a string of garlic, and a string of peppers. There's nothing wrong with a bit of local color. But just to the left of the angel is an old wooden sled with a picture of Santa Claus. What????

And, unfortunately, the cradle is empty. Did someone steal the baby Jesus? Or are they waiting until Christmas Eve to put him out?

It's kind of nice that they go to all the trouble to put this creche together, but I'd like it to be a little more traditional.

Below is a picture from Winter 2005 (note that Jesus is in his bed and the whole scene is somewhat more basic)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures.