Thursday, December 14, 2006

Innocent until proven guilty

The fact that a Chinese diplomat locked himself in his car for 8 hours to avoid taking a breathalyzer test shouldn't be proof that he was driving drunk. I'm sure there might be a good reason for locking yourself in your car for 8 hours. Waahaa! Right!

The Chinese did their own internal investigation.

"Our internal investigation has found that the diplomat did not drive under the influence of alcohol," an official told the AFP news agency.

They don't offer any reason why their diplomat would lock himself in his car for 8 hours when the police were telling him to get out of the car. Of course, they might be right. Eight hours is a long time to go without a bathroom break especially if you've been out drinking all night.

I'm actually quite impressed that the police, who regularly do very little work, seemed to be doing it right even when they must have been a little worried about how it might affect diplomatic relations between Korea and China.

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