Thursday, March 09, 2006

Am I being unreasonable?

This morning, as with most mornings, I was taking the subway to school and, as on most mornings no matter how cold it is, there were dozens of attractive, mini-skirted women hurrying up the stairs. Now, I can ogle a nice pair of legs just as well as the next man, and I like mini-skirts. However, in a city with numerous flights of stairs to walk up and down, would you wear clothes that require you to cover your ass with a book or purse whenever you walk up the stairs - which is quite often. This morning, to add to the ass-covering, several women were wearing shirts that left an inch or two (perhaps 2-4cm) of skin showing around their tummys. And again, I rather like the sight of a nice lower back and stomach. But, I don't think I'd wear clothes that required me to be constantly pulling my shirt down to cover my skin. I certainly don't find a woman attractive if she is walking up the stairs covering her ass with one hand and pulling down her shirt with the other. It looks graceless. If you are going to wear revealing clothes, I think you should be proud. Flaunt it. Revel in the looks (lears) of others. Enjoy the touch of air on your skin. And, if people can see your underwear, wear something cool - perhaps with flowers (or, if you are Canadian, perhaps hockey sticks - I'm sure that would excite the Canadian male). Sorry, no photos with this posting. I didn't want to get arrested for being a dirty old man.


Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on that one!

Sean said...

Found your site via Nathan and I would like to add that I agree but what about the sans panties option?

No I'm not a dirty old man, but I do come close sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post...brings back lovely memories...