Monday, March 27, 2006

Kimchi health food

I'm always a little too ready to dismiss this kind of thing as obnoxious, Korean nationalistic jingoism: Kimchi recognized as top 5 health food ; however, the Health Magazine online really did have kimchi in its top 5. Of course, it doesn't list it as a cure for bird flu or SARS. Still, I would like to apologize to all of Korea for ever doubting it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep doubting. All research on kimchi seems to be done in Korea and that magazine is just swallowing it all in good faith. I just can't see Korean researchers publishing anything negative about kimchi without being tarred and feathered (or whatever the equivalent would be here in Korea).

I suspect it's relatively healthy, but far short of the panacea Korea fervently wants it to be.