Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Canadians banned from group for cultural understanding

An organization that promotes cultural understanding and brings together people from different nations is open for anyone in Seoul to join. Anyone that is, except Canadians.

In a classified ad in KScene, a free biweekly magazine, World Class describes itself as a group that "brings together all nationalities to discuss world issues and break down cultural barriers and prejudices."

Breaking down the prejudices, however, doesn't extend to all countries. "No Canadians please," the ad continues.

When contacted by a Korea Herald reporter by e-mail, the organizer of the group, Bernard Carleton, elaborated further, "The thing is, CANADIANS ARE SCUM! They are self-loving, welfare supporting, over taxing, work ethic hating scum!!! They are not welcome in our group."

Anyone who would like to join the meetings with Carleton in order to break down prejudices, dissolve stereotypes and have an enhanced understanding of people from other countries can contact him at cbicsmd@yahoo.com.


By Jane Cooper (The Korea Herald, Tues. 28 March, 2006)

That's a touch harsh. I've never met Bernard, but I don't think I like him.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Bernard is sadly prejudiced. Will our world move beyond pockets of nationalism, religion,and skin? I'd like to think that goodness, tolerance, and compassion will even out prejudice, jingoism, and hate.

I enjoy reading your excellent blog. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Don't surprised if the whole thing is a joke.

If not, I suspect some Canadians gave him grief about his name (who the hell names their kid Bernard in this day and age?) and he has never gotten over it.

Stefan Ewing said...

If I were to write a book or movie and choose what I thought was a stereotypically Canadian name for a character, I couldn't think of a better name than "Bernard Carleton." Either it was an early April Fool's prank, or he's a closet Canadian who's overcompensating!