Monday, April 10, 2006

I'm confused

I still haven't really forgiven David Beckham for the whole metrosexual thing. This topic has been a bit overdone, so I'm not going to say much about it. However, I came across this in the Joongang Ilbo.
Mr. Jung, who won second place in the men's clothing division at the 2006 China Cup International Fashion Design Contest, is far from having his head in the clouds. (Right on!) "I want my clothes to be constructed in a way that is experimental but also feasible for everyday wear," the designer says. (Well, I just had to give one of his outfits a try.)

"I do not want to limit my designs to just the Korean customer. I hope that my clothes will be appreciated in a broad spectrum and this contest was the perfect opportunity for my ‘international' introduction," Mr. Jung says... (I don't know if I could wear this in small town Canada.)

One leather jacket with a bolero-style fur top attached was made by combining transfer paper with synthetic leather to create a rugged, worn-in effect. (I really liked the rugged look. Eat your heart out Arnie.)

Mr. Jung hopes that men will feel more comfortable "wearing something that is fashion-conscious." (I imagine that my students will really appreciate this. "Prof...")

On second thought...I dont' think so.

As someone who has been around for awhile, I am a little confused. It has always been hard to understand women. Now the men are becoming difficult to understand. It all seemed so much easier when we had to forage for food.

In the 70s, women wanted men who were rugged (Tom Selleck, Arnie, Sly) - men who were good at fixing things and carrying stuff. These were guys who knew how to dress up. They put on the t-shirt with no holes and wiped the dust off their boots. I started hang out at the gym. Then, when women found out that the guys often just wanted to hang around with the other guys, pump a little iron, watch a football game, and have a few beers, and that all they ever said was, "I'll be back," they decided that they wanted sensitive guys who had never seen the inside of a gym (Billy Crystal) - guys who wore sport coats and designer jeans. In the 80s, they wanted guys who weren't afraid to cry - guys who could express themselves. I became sensitive. Then, in the 90s, they decided that they didn't really like guys who could cry. They wanted a buff, sensitive guy who didn't cry (Keanu Reeves). Now, I don't know what they want - they like King Kong and Lee Junki. Why can't they accept us for what we are? We don't really feel comfortable in pink, and animal fur shouldn't be on anything unless we killed the animal ourselves.


Anonymous said...

Another hilarious post! I especially like that photograph.

Anonymous said...

Oops; I misstyped the hyperlink. Well, you know where to find me anyway.

Anonymous said...

Mark,I've never seen you look so good. A fur top of "transfer paper with synthetic leather." That's just what women want.

The Wanderer said...

"...never seen you look so good." - I'm a little hurt. I admit I'm really something special in that picture, but...