Tuesday, April 04, 2006


After a warm and pleasant beginning, March turned cold and April has been less than pleasant. I am seriously tired of winter and a very drab Seoul.

Some flowers are blooming and there are a few tree buds, but nothing to rival a Vancouver spring. As usual, the forsythia (yellow) are first, followed fairly quickly by the magnolia (mostly white but some purple).

As my friends (and perhaps my students) will tell you, I've become very grumpy since I came back from Thailand - just can't feel the love for Seoul anymore. The bright spot of my day is on the way to school and on my way home (especially on my way home). This little guy is out on the sidewalk every day - always genuinely happy to see me. He doesn't smoke or spit (although he does crap on the sidewalk). He doesn't jostle me for space. All in all, a nice chap. We could easily be friends.

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